Giuliana también quiso un
70’s party para su cumple número 7. Esta paleta de colores nos encanta!
Las invitadas tenían la consigna de traer un accesorio de los años 70 y
es imposible describir lo divinas que estaban. Pasaron por una sesión de
make-up con Vero Staricco, hicieron un collar guiadas por la artista plástica Graciela Sosa y cerraron la fiesta con un
desfile. Se llevaron anteojos y unas carteritas divinas también diseñadas por
Graciela Sosa.
La torta de la talentosa Nora Ramirez al igual que sus cookies y toda
su pastelería merece un capítulo aparte. Realmente Impecable.
Genial la música de Marcelo
para Eventos Pitias.
Toda la ambientación se
lució increíblemente en el salón La vie en Rose
Una tarde feliz para Giuli y
sus amigas! Un equipo de trabajo increíble!
The idea for
Giuliana's 7-year birthday party was to recreate the 70’s atmosphere. We chose
a multicolor palette and included owls, peace symbols, butterflies, flowers and
lots of glitter to achieve a hippie chic deco.
Giuliana's girl friends showed up wearing accesories from the 70’s (as the invites suggested). So cute! They had a 70’s make-up session that included iridescent colors, glitter, stickers and a hair-band.
Lead by the artist Graciela Sosa, the girls also made themed necklaces which they took home as a favour.
The owl & chocolate chip cookies, the cupcakes and the gorgeous cake certainly show talented Nora Ramirez enthusiasm for everything she does.
Giuliana's girl friends showed up wearing accesories from the 70’s (as the invites suggested). So cute! They had a 70’s make-up session that included iridescent colors, glitter, stickers and a hair-band.
Lead by the artist Graciela Sosa, the girls also made themed necklaces which they took home as a favour.
The owl & chocolate chip cookies, the cupcakes and the gorgeous cake certainly show talented Nora Ramirez enthusiasm for everything she does.
The party ended with a fun 70’s parade. The amazing
pictures were taken by the awesome photographer Paola Palumbo.
Design & Styling: Perfect Party
Papelería: Perfect Party
Design & Styling: Perfect Party
Papelería: Perfect Party
Make-up: Vero Staricco
Clase de arte: Graciela Sosa
Cookies, cupcakes & torta: Nora Ramirez
Fotografía: Paola Palumbo
Clase de arte: Graciela Sosa
Cookies, cupcakes & torta: Nora Ramirez
Fotografía: Paola Palumbo
Música: Eventos Pitias